I have a love-hate relationship with the first week back to school - it's great to see my fabulous co-workers, catch up with friends, and see students back in my classes. However, it's also a frenzy of paperwork and administrivia that can bog us all down as we try to start off a new school year.
I currently teach in a high-school (grades 8-12) and my students will cycle through all 8 of their classes in the first two days. They must feel shell shocked as they sit through 8 classes of expectations and course outlines... so I like to start off things a little differently. (I usually leave course expectations etc. until the 2nd or 3rd class when things have settled down a bit.)
Here's a survey I've used with my students in the past and they've had a ton of fun with it. Instead of the usual survey questions for Back to School, I've made things a little quirky and different. For example, I've asked students to list the song that got stuck in their heads the most this summer (for me it was "Payphone" by Maroon 5... just goes 'round and 'round my head sometimes!!) Or to list their favorite flavor of ice-cream (Ben & Jerry's Phish Phood - chocolate caramel goodness!).
As an extension idea I ask students to write a paragraph to justify one of their answers to a question of their choice.
Download a FREE copy from my TpT Store or click on the image below to get a copy on Google Docs. Download includes teacher activity suggestions, survey and writing paper.
Enjoy the rest of your summer!

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