Thursday, November 1, 2012

Teachers Helping Teachers With Hurricane Sandy

Watching the news about Hurricane Sandy, it's hard to fathom what people are having to deal with.  The images and stories are unbelievable and I can only begin to imagine how difficult rebuilding will be. It's a helpless feeling to watch people suffering so far away....

So with the images fresh in my head, I was thrilled to see that Laurah from The ESOL Odyssey blog is organizing donations of teaching resources to help schools and teachers who have lost materials in the storm. I love the idea of helping people who live across the country from where I do and I love the idea that I can contribute to the rebuilding of someone's classroom!

So if you've got a teaching resource to donate, please click the image below and head over to The ESOL Odyssey to sign up.  


Thanks so much!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Thanksgiving Poetry Bookmarks

Thanksgiving has come and gone for me... I'm Canadian and we celebrate on the first Monday in October and it's typically a much smaller affair than it is for those of you south of the border!  

I'm always amazed at the enthusiasm for Thanksgiving in the United States... I love that it brings families together for huge feasts and that there's a big focus on the idea of giving thanks.  I'm hoping you and your family have much to be thankful for and that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

 So here's a holiday freebie for you to use with your students... it's a set of Thanksgiving bookmarks that also allows you to review poetry terms at the same time!  There are 16 bookmarks - some have poetry term prompts and some are left blanks - lots of options for you to pick from!  I've also included two sheets of Thanksgiving themed poetry/writing paper.

Click the image to download a copy of the bookmarks or you can download them from my TpT Store.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Check out more FREEBIES!

 Huge collection for all grade levels!
Freebie Fridays

Monday, October 22, 2012

Blogging Mishaps and Memories and a Linky

I love finding new and different linky parties to join and I just couldn't resist this one from The 3am Teacher.  Be sure to check out her blog if you haven't already... first of all, she's hilarious and I always get a good giggle when I read her posts.  And second, I love her clip-art... it's so stinking cute!! 

I've been blogging since February 2012... so that makes a whole 10 months of blogging.  I wasn't quite sure what I was getting into... but I now that I'm a "bona fide blogger" (I hope!) ... I love it!   

Here are some of my favorite things about BLOGGING!

1.  I feel like I "know" people because of blogging... like I could really sit down over a cup of coffee...or glass of wine ;-) and we'd really hit it off.  Connecting through blogging and facebook has been amazing... and I real feel like I've got a whole new group of cyber-friends!

2.  I really do think I'm a better teacher because of blogging... for real! I teach high-school but now regularly include ideas and tips I've read in blogs that target k-3!  My students often ask me..."Where did you come up with this idea? Is it from a kindergarten blog??"  But they're having fun and they're learning... isn't that what it's all about.  

3.  I can edit a post after I publish it... my first blog post had a typo even though I read it a hundred million times before I hit "publish"! I was mortified and thought that nobody would ever read my blog again. 

Here's my top Bloggy Moment

I was honored to be chosen as one of Education World's Top 25 Blogs for Educators in March 2012.  Yup... my blog that was all of 6 weeks old somehow made it on to the list!! To say I was shocked would be an understatement... I must've refreshed the page 100x just to make sure it wasn't a mistake and actually someone else's blog!! I was thrilled and grateful to them for the exposure and the honor (although I'm still stumped as to how they even found me!)

Thanks for reading this post... and any other posts you find interesting! I hope over the last ten months you've been able to find an idea or inspiration for your classroom.


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Halloween Freebie

Halloween is one of my favorite "holidays" of the year!  I love to dress up in a silly costume for school and really enjoy seeing the creativity of the students - some of their ideas are incredible. (Last year, we had 5 students come as different Tetris pieces that all fit together!)

Halloween falls on a Wednesday this year... smack in the middle of the school week!  I know that my students will have the "Halloween Wiggles" so I like to have some activities that I can do with them to help them focus and get back on track!

Here's a fun freebie for you to use as a writing prompt, poetry prompt, art prompt or simply as classroom decor!  You can download it at my TpT store OR you can download it directly from my blog by clicking the image below. 

I like to display the poster (or project it with a document camera) and have the students use the words or images as prompts for a story or poem.  Perhaps they have to include the purple words in their first paragraph, or put 2 orange words in their first sentence.... Why not write a haiku using a word from each color?? Or write a poem using the images as a starting point? 

Students could also use the poster as an inspiration to create their own "word art" or "subway art". (You can find lots of other examples of "subway art" online.)

I'm sure you can think of even more ways to use the poster!  Please share your ideas... I'd love to hear more!

The full download includes a copy of the poster in color, a copy in black/white and a sheet of b/w pumpkin writing paper!

Have a Happy Halloween!

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Pinterest Power

So, I'm a huge fan of the visual clipboard site called Pinterest... it's like eye-candy for me!  I could spend hours browsing the beautiful pictures and never grow tired!   I've found amazing recipes, unique craft ideas, some of the most hilarious quotes, incredible blogs and unbelievable teaching ideas.  (My classroom has never looked so good!)

I've started posting a "Quote of the Week" in my room and I love the discussions my students and I have had as a result.  I've got an entire stash of quotes that I've found on Pinterest at the ready for each Monday.  If you'd like some inspiration check out my board of Quotes, Posters and Sayings!

There are literally thousands of teachers using Pinterest to gather ideas and inspiration... it's really amazing what people come up with and are so willing to share.  Here's my board of School Stuff.

Another fun aspect of Pinterest is the fact that people from all over the world can collaborate and all pin to the same board! What an amazing concept!  A global village of teachers connecting through Pinterest.  Some of my favorite collaborative boards are The Lesson Cloud, Connect-A-Blog, and the fantastic boards organized by The OC Blog.

There are entire teacher boards dedicated to FREEBIES!! Who doesn't love a good freebie?!  Check out Fabulous & Free and Free Lessons for some fun and free ideas and products!

Be sure to check out this list of teachers using Pinterest at Debbie Clement's incredible blog Rainbows Within Reach.  Add your link below... but be sure to head over to her blog to see the links she's organized over the last few weeks - she's sooo organized to have them sorted into categories. 

photo of: The Great Upper Elementary Pinterest Link UP hosted by RainbowsWithinReach

Have fun pinning!!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Classroom Ipad Rules

I was thrilled last year to be given a class set of ipads!! I can't believe what a difference they've made for my teaching!  However, I knew that before I could hand them out to my high-school students I'd have to develop a list of rules about their use and a system to keep track of them.

My new students are very excited about using the ipads and can't wait to get their hands on one next week.  However, before I let them loose I need to go over some of the basic rules for their use.  I spend some time talking about how lucky we are to have them (one of only 2 classrooms at my school with access to ipads) and that using them is a privilege.  Luckily the students really seem to pick up on this and respond well to the rules that I've established for their use.

The first day I allow the students on the ipads I go over the rules that I have posted in the classroom. (Click the image below to get a copy of the ones I have posted.)  We spend some time talking about why the rules are in place and the importance of following them. And we talk about consequences... which are really very simple in my class... you break a rule, you lose the ipad for the day.  You break a rule twice and you lose the right to an ipad for a month.  Last year... I only had one student break a rule twice. (He somehow managed to put a lock on the ipad that only he could undo. Sooo frustrating!!)

After talking about the rules... I let the students just play!  They love it! They take pictures, they distort the pictures, they watch videos, they web surf and they giggle! I let them get the giggly "oh my goodness these ipads are soo cool, I can't believe we get to use them"... giggles out of their system. It seems to work!  The second time we use them... it's all business.

Luckily, the settings on an ipad can be locked down very well. My students cannot download programs, change settings, add / delete an app or do anything too terrible to them.  Frustratingly, they can change the language (I once opened an ipad to see Japanese!) and change the wallpaper settings.  Minor inconveniences that I can ask the students to fix... they do it once, get caught and never do it again!  (Having a good sign-out system means I know who changed things!)

What are some systems you have in place for using ipads or technology in your classroom?? Have I missed something hugely important?? Would love to hear what some of you do? 

To read more about why I love my ipads check out this previous blog post.  Stay tuned for more posts this year too!  I plan to write about some of my favorite apps and uses for the ipads.


Saturday, August 25, 2012

Ultimate Middle Years Giveway and Blog Hop!

Welcome to the "Ultimate Middle Years Giveaway and Blog Hop" designed to highlight a great bunch of Middle School bloggers!  There are over $300 worth of prizes to be won - which is amazing!!!! (Including a shopping spree in my TpT Store!!) Who doesn't love to win prizes??  But, you've got to be quick... the contest only runs from Aug. 25-27th!  Those of you who complete the entire Blog Hop Challenge will receive a HUGE package of "Freebies" from participating teacher bloggers!  Click the image below to find out all the information on the Blog Hop!

Innovative Connections

I'm a Middle / High-school teacher and I love the Middle Years! There's a little bit of big kid, but a whole lot of little kid still in them... and their energy and enthusiasm is contagious!  Pop by my blog often for lots of freebies and fun ideas to incorporate into your classroom. As part of the Blog Hop, I've donated a $15 shopping spree from my TpT Store!!

I've got the wonderful job of highlighting Elizabeth from Fun in Room B.... (don't you love her blog button?!)  She has lots of great information about teaching math in upper elementary and loves to teach with foldables.  She's also been researching and experimenting with Whole Brain Teaching so be sure to hop over to her blog to see what she's figured out! I'm a little in awe of her blog - she's very crafty and has some great posts highlighting her crafty talents... I only wish I could be so skilled! And... her classroom looks A-MAZING!!! She's posted pics!!

She also sells some fabulous products on TeachersPayTeachers so be sure to check out her store!


If you want to start blog hopping check out the links below! There are some fabulous bloggers participating!

Thanks for stopping by!! 


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Back To School Teaching Goals

The Back to School Season is in full swing for most of us  and I like to set some goals for myself for the year.  But... I'm going to be totally honest here... I often forget what my goals were by the time November rolls around....

I learned through the years that I need to write my goals down on paper - I need a reminder throughout the year to keep me on track with my goals.  Soooo this year I've made a quick template to print out and keep in my day book and post on the wall by my desk... I'm hoping that by being constantly reminded about what I've set out to accomplish this year, that I'll be more successful!

Just to give you some inspiration and get you started, I'm going to share some of my own goals with you!

Teaching Goals
-give my students at least one brain break in each 80 min. class
-to differentiate all major assignments in the classes

Professional Goals
- to present at two conferences this year (I've recently started presenting at workshops and I'm really enjoying it!)
- to read five professional books this school year

Personal Goals
- to cook at least three new recipes a month
- to go to the gym at least once a week

Click the picture above to download your own goal setting sheet.  
Good luck!  Feel free to share a goal or two in the comment section... I'd love to hear what other teachers have planned for their year.

Freebie Fridays

Friday, August 10, 2012

Back To School Sale on TpT!

Who doesn't love a good sale!?  I'm all about getting a good deal... and this is a great weekend for you to stock up on some great products for the school year!  

It's a 2-day sale so be sure to stop by TeachersPayTeachers on Aug. 12-13th for some awesome deals! Don't forget to use the Promo Code BTS12 at checkout!

Hope you're all having a fabulous summer!  Or... having a great first few weeks back at school!

I've had a relaxing summer and don't have to go back until Sept. 4th... so I've still got some summer adventures on the horizon!  Weekend away with the hubs this weekend, some lunch dates next week, and the hubs and I are going a big road trip to N. California next weekend.  

Hope you were able to have some fun summer adventures too!


Sunday, July 29, 2012

Back To School Fun With Sticky Notes

The new school year is an exciting but also slightly nerve-wracking time of the year for both students and teachers.  I know I always have the dreaded "Nightmare Before School Starts" that usually involves me standing in front of a classroom full of chaos!

I like to start off by introducing myself as more than "just a teacher".  I want students to know that I have a life beyond the classroom - I'm a mountain biker, a snowboarder, a hiker, a wife, a dog owner, a traveller, a reader... it's amazing how many kids I can connect with over the activities I participate in!  Finding a connection with kids is so important to me and it's done wonders over the years to build great rapport with my students.  I have a fun "Back to School Survey" I give students to get to know them a little bit better and I encourage them to share their answers with each other.  Download a FREE copy of the survey from an earlier blog post HERE.

Sticky Notes can also be a powerful tool for getting to know students and creating an open and sharing classroom.  I have piles on my desk and I want students to get used to the idea of sharing ideas on the board so I do a few activities in the first few days with sticky notes.  When students are asked questions and then told they can post their answers anonymously on the board they are more likely to be very forthcoming with their answers.
  • ask students to write down two things they're excited about and one thing they're nervous about in regards to your class - post them on the board and then discuss with the class
  • ask a fun question - "If you could perform with any band in world who would it be?" or "If you were a car, what would you be?" and share their answers they've posted on the board
  • ask students for advice as you start off the year - "Write down two things that would make this class work really well for you."  OR "Great teachers __________________"
  • One of the subjects I teach is Geography so to get kids thinking about my subject area I'll ask them to write down their favorite city, their dream vacation destination, the closest volcano to our school, list two environmental concerns...
  • When I teach English, I ask students to write down their favorite book, their favorite character, what fictional city they'd love to visit, the book character they're most like....
  • The students love the see what everyone else has come up with, but they also love the fact that it's anonymous so they're not self-conscious about writing down an answer.

Check out the linky over at Corkboard Connections for all sorts of great ideas to start building a caring classroom environment right from the first day of school!

Hope you have a smooth transition into your classroom this  new school year. 


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Dollar Days Sale on the Lesson Cloud

We're having a huge Back to School Sale on The Lesson Cloud on July 29th & 30th!  Head on over to check out some fabulous products on sale for either $1 or $2!! What a deal!!  Also enter to win a $75 gift certificate to Really Good Stuff!!

You'll find a ton of great sellers have put some of their favorite items on sale for two days only! Everything from K-12 has been linked up so be sure to check it out.

Here's what I have on sale for July 29th -30th only at my Teachers Pay Teachers Store.

All items are either $1.00 or $2.00!!

Hope you have a fantastic time going Back to School!


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Fun Back to School Student Survey

Seems like Back to School is happening so quickly for some of you!! (I've still got 6 glorious weeks left... but don't be jealous... some of you have already been off for two months!!)

I have a love-hate relationship with the first week back to school - it's great to see my fabulous co-workers, catch up with friends, and see students back in my classes. However, it's also a frenzy of paperwork and administrivia that can bog us all down as we try to start off a new school year. 

I currently teach in a high-school (grades 8-12) and my students will cycle through all 8 of their classes in the first two days.  They must feel shell shocked as they sit through 8 classes of expectations and course outlines... so I like to start off things a little differently.  (I usually leave course expectations etc. until the 2nd or 3rd class when things have settled down a bit.)

Here's a survey I've used with my students in the past and they've had a ton of fun with it. Instead of the usual survey questions for Back to School, I've made things a little quirky and different. For example, I've asked students to list the song that got stuck in their heads the most this summer (for me it was "Payphone" by Maroon 5... just goes 'round and 'round my head sometimes!!) Or to list their favorite flavor of ice-cream (Ben & Jerry's Phish Phood - chocolate caramel goodness!).

As an extension idea I ask students to write a paragraph to justify one of their answers to a question of their choice.

Download a FREE copy from my TpT Store or click on the image below to get a copy on Google Docs.  Download includes teacher activity suggestions, survey and writing paper.

Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

Freebie Fridays

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The 2012 Summer Olympics Activities

I love the Olympics.... I mean I really LOVE them! I love the way so many nations of the world come together for sport and celebration. I love watching athletes overcome challenges to put their best foot forward while representing their country. I love what the Winter Olympics did for my hometown in 2010 - the feeling in Vancouver was unlike any I've ever felt before and the pure joy of the event will live with me forever.  Lastly, I love the values that the Olympics can teach students... work hard, play nice, the honor of representing one's country, and the importance of taking care of yourself physically and mentally.

I really wish (sounds weird, I know...) that I was teaching during the Summer Olympics as there are so many great teaching opportunities  that can cover so many subject areas and grade levels.

Here are a few fun suggestions for those of you teaching this summer (or even for those of you who are back to school in August)
  • Follow an athlete from your hometown, state or province.  See what kind of background information you can find on them and then track their progress at the Games.
  • Create a new Olympic sport and test out the activity with your classmates / students.
  • Keep track of the medal count and work out the percentage of gold, silver and bronze that your country wins. Create a poster to track the medal count.
  • Have students "adopt" an athlete from another country - find out their story and a little bit about their country and then share with the class.
  • "Adopt" another country to cheer for and find out as much as you can about their athletes.  
  • Make a medal count prediction and award the person who came closest. 
  • Research London, England and find out what they did to prepare for the Games. 
  • Research the history of the Olympics and have students present some of the main ideas to the class. 
  • Have your own Olympic games - but keep it light and fun and combine athletic events with math and literacy events. 
  • I'm sure that there are 100s more engaging activities that you can do to highlight the Olympics.  Share your favorite below!
Here's a FUN FREEBIE for you to use with students that involves them pretending to attend the Olympics and then writing a "postcard" and sending it home.  Click the image below to download a copy of the activity - template and extension ideas included!

Hope you're all having a fantastic summer! Let the Games begin!

Follow for Freebies

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Fishing For Ideas Link Up

I've linked up with some other great bloggers for a fun Fishing For Ideas link up in June (which is very gloomy in my part of the world!). I thought it sounded like a great way to check out some new blogs and grab a few goodies along the way. 

Everyone's doing something a little different, but we're all doing something fun to highlight a freebie, a sale or a new product.  Be sure to check out our Group Pinterest Board to see what's new and exciting... and of course, feel free to check out my Pinterest Boards. (It's sooo much fun isn't it??)

Here's my newest freebie at TpT - I love the graphics I used for the product... all thanks to the 3AM Teacher(she has the cutest graphics and some fabulous freebies too!)

It's a set of "Owl Be Reading" bookmarks to inspire students to keep reading over the summer.  The front has an owl-themed quote and the back of the bookmarks has a space for students to record the books they've read during the summer.  Includes 4 different styles! Click the picture below to get your copy today!

As a special treat I've put my two best selling items  on SALE for 25% off for June 14-20 ONLY!!  Check out my best selling POETRY PACKAGE and MEDIA LITERACY PACKAGE
Both on sale for only $4.00 (Reg. $5.49)

Thanks for stopping by. Be sure to head over to the other blogs listed below!


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

You Know It's Summer Break When...

Sadly, I'm not yet on Summer Vacation... it seems I'm one of the last folks to be teaching! But when my Summer Break starts in 3 weeks I'm going to be sooo excited!  Check out this fun linky party from Kindergarten Lifestyle - she's done a great job of creating this cute poster to celebrate the joys of SUMMER!


Head over to Kindergarten Lifestyle to see all of the other great bloggers who've joined up... the list is very impressive!

Hope you're already enjoying your summer vacation... or if you're like me, you enjoy your summer vacation when it finally starts.  (I'm trying not to sound bitter because when I'm still on vacation in August, many of you will be back to work!)


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Year In Review Top 10 Lists

I know that many of you might already be finished the school year... but I've still got 5 weeks to go! As I start to wrap things up with my students I always get reflective about the year and think back to our highs and our lows as a class. 

A fun activity I like to do with my students is to have them create Top 10 Lists for their year.  This week, I'm going to have my students create a Top 10 List of Things They've Learned in the class.  First, I'll have them create the list individually and then I'll ask them to work in groups of 3-4 and decide the 10 biggest ideas or concepts they've learned as a class.  It's a wonderful way to get students thinking about what may be on their final exam, as the exam relates to the BIG IDEAS.  As a teacher it's also an excellent way for me to check that what I've taught them comes through on their lists... hopefully, our lists aren't too far apart!

I've created a FUN FREEBIE with worksheets for you to work through your own Top 10 Lists with your students.  I've included the following worksheets:
  • Top 10 Things I've Learned
  • Top 10 Pieces of Advice (for next year's students)
  • Top 10 School Moments
  • Top 10 Life Moments
  • A paragraph worksheet for students to explain their top three picks from one of their lists.
  • Worksheets come in full & half size!

I've done this activity with several age groups and I've always loved what's come of it! The discussions are fabulous to listen to and I always have a bit of a giggle when I read their "Top 10 Pieces of Advice" list! Always a great way to get a true sense of what your students really think!  

Click the images to download a FREE copy!

You can also download these from TpT by clicking HERE.

Hope you have fun with these!

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

Monday, May 21, 2012

Great Graduation Advice

It's that time of year for thousands of Seniors across North America, it's one of the greatest rights of passages of our youth and a cause for celebration!  Grad parties, Senior Prom, Convocation... the list of events (and the subsequent need for a new outfit) is endless!

However, it's also an incredibly challenging time for families... first is the incredible cost.  I think some of our students will easily spend over $1000 by the time they've bought a dress, shoes, jewelery, flowers, limousine, hair, nails...  This can be a huge burden for some families to bear in today's economic climate.  

Secondly, there are all sorts of changes on the horizon... 
   - Perhaps an out of town college or university?
   - Living with a room mate for the first time?
   - Doing laundry for the first time?
   - Managing food and the infamous "Freshman 15"?
   - Dealing with a limited supply of money...
   - Learning the in's and out's of college...
   - Leaving old friends behind and making new ones..
I vividly remember being dropped off at University (it was a 5 hour trip from my home-town).  I was sooo excited to be starting life on my own, I had two great room mates (one of whom was a high-school friend), a car and money in my bank account!  But when the moment came to say goodbye to my mum and dad, the reality of what I was embarking on came crashing down.  I managed to maintain my cool (I was after all trying so desperately to prove that I could do this!) while I gave my parents a parting hug and a brave wave good bye.  It wasn't until they were gone, that the tears started...(made all the worse by the world's sappiest card given to me by my mum... something about mothers and daughters and growing up - it was soooo sappy, but I still have it!)

I'm pleased to say I survived all four years of my university career thanks to my very supportive parents, fantastic friends, awesome faculty and a small friendly university.  I managed to find my way in this world and have had several and amazing adventures working in various parts of North America before finally deciding to become a teacher.  A decision I've never regretted.

Sooo... where does this blog post go you may ask??  I'm curious to know what advice you received as a Senior as you graduated from high-school.  What do you remember most about that time in your life? What did someone tell you that helped you get on your way?  

Here are two that stick in my mind:

- High school is fun, but life only gets better from here on...
- Take every opportunity that comes your way... no matter how small, it may lead to bigger and better things.

I'd love to hear your thoughts below... 


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Playing with Playdough

I love keeping my students on their toes wondering what they're going to do in class everyday.  Some days (despite my best intentions) class isn't very exciting, however when my high school students walk into class and see that I've got the playdough out, they get positively giddy!

It's amazing how the feel and smell of playdough can take us back to being 4 years old! I love the way it wams up in my hand and the salty taste it leaves behind.  Apparently, my students feel the same way!!

Here's how I use playdough in my Science, Geography and English classrooms.

1. Playdough is a fabulous way for students to create 3-D models of a concept.  Whether it's creating the shape of a specific type of volcano, demonstrating a plate boundary, creating an organism, a cell, an internal organ or part of a plant... having the students physically create something helps them to learn the information and retain it.  I always circulate around the room, ask my students to explain what they're making, ask them to share with a partner etc. 

Formation of a rift valley in my science class.

2. Playdough is also a fantastic way for students to explain a process. For example I can ask students to use playdough to explain how headlands, sea caves, sea arches and sea stacks are related.  This takes the lesson beyond a typical sketch and paragraph. I quickly circulate and ask students to explain the concept to me, I can ask the students questions and they can share with each other.  Other examples - show me three pieces of evidence that glaciers move, show how a rift valley forms, demonstrate the life cycle of a star, show the phases of the moon, the digestive track...  I think the possibilities are almost endless for science (especially biology and earth science / geography).

3. In English class I have asked students to create and explain a symbol to represent a character, a theme, the mood, a character's emotion, the setting, the climax... Asking students to think outside the box and demonstrate their learning in a different way is not only engaging for the students, but also makes the lesson memorable and long-lasting.

A representation of setting for a short story we'd read.

4. One of the biggest things about using playdough is that it's risk free for the students.  I can't collect it and mark it. I'm not judging them on their artistic abilities because as long as they can explain it , I know that they understand it.  It's not permanent... so if they see that they've got the concept wrong the first time, the playdough gets mashed up and they can start all over again.  No harm is done and no marks are lost!  

5. Did I mention how excited my students get when they see playdough?? I've had the same box of playdough for two school years... all of the colors are in their original containers, none of the colors have been mixed / mashed together and none are missing.  The students respect the opportunity I'm giving them and I've had no problems.  I'm not gonna lie... I was worried that all sorts of inappropriate things where going to be made out of the playdough... but so good!

How have you used playdough in your classroom?? 

Have fun!

Be sure to check out some other fun and smart teaching techniques by following the link below.
Smart Teaching

Smart Teaching

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Jackpot - May 6th

A big thank you to everyone who participated in The Teacher Appreciation Jackpot on Sunday, May 6th! What a fun way to check out some new blogs and pick up some freebies!

Here's the link to the product that was part of the Jackpot. It's on SALE until Wednesday, May 8th!!  Click on the image below or HERE to go to my Teachers Pay Teachers store to download it while it's on SALE!

Don't forget that Teachers Pay Teachers is having a TEACHER APPRECIATION SALE too!! I'm offering an additional 20% off at my store!  Use coupon code TAD12 when you checkout!  The sale runs from May 6-8th!

Be sure to check out the other fabulous bloggers who participated!  If you missed it this year... I'm hoping we'll have a similar event next year!
    Have fun!!  Happy Blog Hopping!

    Saturday, April 28, 2012

    May Freebie - Summer Bookmarks

    Ah... summer! I can't wait!! I love nothing more than waking up and throwing on a t-shirt, pair of shorts and my flip-flops and eating my breakfast outside while reading the paper! It's pure bliss!!!  Sadly... the weather in my neck of the woods is still a little cool, but I'm hopeful that sunny skies are on the horizon.

    I'm working until mid-June, but know that many teachers and students are winding down in May and will be finished before the end of the month! (Not that I'm jealous or anything!!)

    So here's a freebie for May that also ties into my love of summer and my love of reading. Did I mention that I love to read outside... in the sun...with fresh lemonade nearby?? I've a giant stack of books I can't wait to sink my teeth into this summer!

    I created a set of Summer Poetry Bookmarks (like my Earth Day Poetry Bookmarks) - there are 32 bookmarks with two themes! There's a Beach Blue theme and a Sunny Orange theme and if you don't have access to a color printer you can ask the students to color them in themselves.  I've also included two summer themed writing papers for students to write a longer poem or to write down their summer dreams  /hopes / wishes / goals etc.

    These bookmarks are a great review activity for figures of speech and can be given out with Summer Reading Lists, as a token from you at the end of the year, or just for a fun reminder of what they learned during the year.

    You can download the bookmarks simply by clicking the image below.

    Hope your Summer Break starts sooner, rather than later!!  Here's to the lazy, hazy days of summer!


    PS - I just completed the 5-Star Blogger Challenge hosted by Charity at the OC Blog.  Check out the list of amazing teacher bloggers who've linked up! 

    5-Star Blogger